ProPiezo Hardware Kit, No. PP-H

Oct. 21, 2021

The Portasol ProPiezo Hardware Kit, No. PP-H, is portable, easy to use, and is completely powered by butane. One tank-full of butane will run this soldering iron for more than 90 minutes, and provide 15-75 watts of power. The tool can melt, solder, or plastic weld. The kit comes with a 2.4mm Df tip fitted on the soldering iron, a stainless steel focus hot air tip, and a plastic welding tip as well as a universal welding rod. Heat is transferred through direct contact versus hot air, allowing users to weld next to heat- sensitive components without damaging or destroying them. The tool is made with butane-compatible plastics to prevent leakage. Also available in farm and marine kits (Nos. PP-F and PP-M). 

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